Karate Classes

The AMA under the agues of IOGKF has pioneered Karate in India and has been teaching karate since 1979. The emphasis of our teaching is on 3 major aspects which are high level of physical fitness , self defence and an understanding of the human psyche. The training involves cardio vascular training, muscular training and flexibility. These high level of training are attained and cannot be learnt over night. It takes a firm determination and an ongoing motivation throughout the students life. The self defense aspects too take a long time in mastering . The 1 degree black belt comes only after 3 - 4 years of training and is nearly a level of matriculation that the student has reached. it is only on attaining the 4 and 5 degree black belt level that the student is now in a position to be able to defend himself from most normal attacks.

Lastly all their training develops an understanding of values such as empathy, respect, compassion for others and to use what he has learnt only as last resort.

Classes Timing
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Time: Mornings: 7.00 to 8.00 AM (adults)
Evenings: 7.00 to 8.00 PM (all ages)
Venue: 1st floor, Annexe Building, Dadiseth Ateshbehram, Dadiseth Agiary Lane, Fanas Wadi, Kalbadevi, Mumbai 400002

For registration and enrollment, please contact:
Shamim Patanwala
+91 84528 23290